Akhirnye video yang diamik ketika trip ke tokyo telah di transfer ke pc.er tapi bukan sume la pulok? hm but atleast it’s a good start la kot kan?Ok, here’s an edited video of our first day time jalan2 kat akiba, terus jumpa encik keroro.sugoi~ More info below:
Category Archives: Travel
day14: sayonara tokyo~
it’s time to go. kepada sesapa yang tak tawu..org mesia nk gi jepon, kne apply visa (free).maximum bleh stay, 2 minggu je. so ni kire cem kne halau ah ni.sob sob~ tamo balikk wooooooo~~~~~~~ day 14: ooji > narita airport expenses:tambang train:ooji > nippori: 150Ynippori > narita airport: 1000Y (Terminal 2)
day13: ichinichiichiya oite asakusa, ueno soshite akiba
went to bandai hq in asakusa. all because of keroro tees that i’ve planned to buy…only to find that, as said by the girl in front desk, “dis, offisu.. no buy~” :pi didn’t know that there was bandai hq there til the last minute.that is after searching everywhere for the tees. sold out kot *sigh*singgah …
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day12: ichinichiichiya oite ikebukuro soshite akiba
what a wonderful day it was.we don’t have any plans. so i decided to go to ikebukuro.one of the place that “they’ve” talked about.they say it’s one of Tokyo’s multiple city centers. i guess it was.tempat soping. the place is not so big, so it’s easier to get stuff.the highlights there was, er.. erm..well, there’s …
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day11: ichinichiji oite akihabara
hari2 terakhir dikategorikan sebagai free n easy :p hehesmlm gi akiba. tp cam tak sempat nak gi byk tempat sgt.amik gambar pun cam tak byk. oh, one thing kat sini, bile masuk kedai, org kedai/pekerja dlm tu akan greet “irasshaimase~” means welcome.derang takkan tetinggal sorang pun yg derang nampak.asal nampak je greet. sume kedai lak …
day10: icchuuya oite odaiba
odaiba yelah sebuah pulau kat tokyo. sgt sejuk.pemandangan indah. selain tu? er tade pape :pmebi sbb dah nk balik, mood pun dah kat soping. kukuku. day 10: ooji > odaiba expenses:tambang train:ooji > shimbashi station: 210Yshimbashi > daiba: 310Y (yurikamome train)
day9: ichinichiji oite ginza desu
the day started off slow. nothing much to see in ginza.sony building quite disappointing. amat mendukacitakan!but i’ve tried gran turismo hi-def on ps3. huhu. grafik darah idung!ada this main street tutup on sunday to let shoppers er shop freely!most of the big areas like ginza & akihabara closed its main street on weekends.so i heard. …
day8: ichinichiichiya oite harajuku soshite shibuya desu
tempat yg dah pegi. harajuku ngan shibuya.so malas nk bawak videocam. berat! letih~~nk tulis ape ntah? tgk je la gambar.. day 8: ooji > harajuku > shibuya expenses:tambang train:ooji > harajuku: 290Yharajuku > shibuya: menapak!shibuya > ooji: 290Y
day7: icchuuya oite asakusa
pada satu hari sedang bejalan-jalan di area asakusa, tokyo..tetibe ada org menahan ak dan bekata, “sumimasen..”rupenye dia nak tawu arah, dengan bekata-kata jepun.aku pun ngan blur2 tepakse menolak untuk memberi arah.tp mmg aku seniri pun tak tawu.yg best nye adegan itu telah disaksikan oleh kawanku.“woi asal dia tanye ko lak? ko ade cam org jepun …
day6: icchuuya oite ueno
ade petaling st gak kat sini. kat area ueno.takde la sebijik tp “macam” laa..tak byk amik gambar sbb area dia kecik. tp ade zoo ah.nak pulak gi zoo? heheh. day 6: ooji > ueno expenses:tambang train:ooji > ueno: 160Y note to self (asik lupe je letak):– orang jepun suke beratur. sume pun kne beratur. and i …