hm, tak tawu nk updet ape. tibe2 cam tepikir, mane sumeorg? nape cam tak dengar cite? i assume they all feel the same kot? ke? em anyway, sape2 yg rajin nk updet pasal diri sendiri, be my guest er tulis je kat comment box, ok frens? well, here goes mine
updates on my life
(2019 update: now with my favourite giphy!)
1. sedih gile.. sape tak tawu takyah tawu
2. watashi wa happi, heh yu no wai
3. baru abis tgk lotr3 extended nye (yes, lambat. dem!)
4. dah benti keja kat JB
5. yep, I’m permanently in KL now
6. tak keja. maybe, er hopefully I’ll get a job soon
7. I’m on diet! haha! (..and so is kakia! GAMBARE!!)
8. disappoint some of my frens. dem! I didn’t mean too – honest!
9. my koichii desu is leaving soon – “ittarashai!!~”
10. sedih semule..