ngee.. i’m back! er dah lama pun sebenarnye. hehu.
“so, how’s Bangkok” you might ask..
all I can say is.. “there’s a first time for everything..”
[x] it’s my first time on a plane (and I get to ride it twice!)
[x] first time in Pattaya & Bangkok (we stayed in Hard Rock Hotel – how cool is dat?)
[x] got my first feel-good-bone-breaking massage (er the traditional ones ok?)
[x] can’t eat McD cuz all of the burgers were pork (see pic – yum!)
[x] got to ride a tuk-tuk
[x] Pat Pong anyone? hehu been there, er done nothing..
all in all, I had a great time.. you guys can enjoy the pics (more coming soon..)

Funny story in Bangkok
khorb koon khrab~… oops, er oh THANK YOU!
We went to an IT CENTRE in Bangkok and my friend wanted to know the price for an iPod there.. he looked into our survival guide book and goes “ra ka thao rai?” (it means “how much is this?”
..and guess what the store man replied?! ….SOMETHING IN THAI LANGUAGE!
HAHA. we burst ourselves out laughing without no clue of how much is an iPod there