cloverfield.If you still don’t know what it is yet, it’s a monster movie from the producer of “Lost” tv series.I like it but somewhat not really satisfied. tak puas hati. maybe sebab sekejap sangat kot?I think it’s either you like it, or you hate it/dont like it. no in between. One thing for sure, it’s …
honkakuteki nichijouseikatsu shunketsu
heroes. sape dah tengok? gi donlot sekarang!siyez. klu tak, tepakse ah tunggu sampai 31 jan nanti.1st episod kat tv3 ngan starworld kot klu tak silap. baru lepas tengok episod 3. ending dia… argh! gile takleh terima!pastikan tengok cite tu bukan sambil makan nasik. tq :p well, cite nih macam x-men la kot? tp instead of mutants …