Wow! finally finished putting in the tags in each post from the very first one. *phew*Anyhow, been to Astro Fest 2008 last Saturday. It was unexpectedly fun!Sesapa yang tak gi time ajak aitu agak rugi la kot?Got a 1Gb Astro pen drive in the goodie bagHere are some of the highlights: (click for bigger image) …
tandokukaiken no kuragae
yey cuti yeh! sukkeee~ wowoh! hehou~tanak tulis banyak. musim ulang satu lagu banyak2 kali dah tiba!sile lah dengar bemusim-musim lamenye! sangat sedap. nama dia kimura kaela. comel juge. nih video comel dia:(cem pelik sebab nama dia ade huruf L [eru] so boleh ke derang sebut?) ok lah bye, nak gi interview keje eh cuti2 mesia.. ngee