WOW! dah raye ke? Anyhow, Selamat Hari Raya kepada semua! Bawak keta leklok. Cek pintu rumah dah kunci ke blom. Kasitau ler jiran balik biler. Duit raya jangan lupe. Cek air …
Missing post
– updated 2019
since 1998
WOW! dah raye ke? Anyhow, Selamat Hari Raya kepada semua! Bawak keta leklok. Cek pintu rumah dah kunci ke blom. Kasitau ler jiran balik biler. Duit raya jangan lupe. Cek air …
Missing post
– updated 2019
Baru lepas berbuka pose ngan semua family. best la kot? tapi lagi best tengok bebudak dua nih.. thehe Shin Chan & adiknye. hehe. Yaya …
Almost everyone knows Dragonball kan? tapi tau ke diaorang dah start buat movie? Rasa macam er kegagalan! bak kata sapetah saya terjumpa online “there goes my childhood memories…” sebab nape? Tengok la kat bawah ni..
hm.. so how?
aiii got a neww toyyy! aii got a newww toyy~ pada satu hari, tibe2 tedengar ada promotion 4gig ram dan percuma benda lain2 yang …
Missing post
– updated 2019
ok lah ok lah meh update. petang tadi tiba2 kat opis reramai kecoh gelak2. tau ke sape datang? ni ha bangbil dalam rancangan~~ aa lu pikirla senirik! nak dijadikan …
Missing post
– updated 2019
hoh, kejutan nih!
first time tarok title melayu, tak reti nak jepunkan lak :p
dah abis ken AF6? korang layan ke? ke tak?
klu layan korang kenal la derang nih ken? hehu..
apepun, tadi sempat la jumpa budak2 yang masuk final aritu..
congrats kat stacy sebab jadi juara! comel jek.
dah jumpa takkan tak amik gambar kan? rugi la pulok kang.
terima kasih kat photographer sebab ajak hehe..
dah ni bajet nak amik ngan nadia jer tapi semua lak amik kesempatan.. haih~ :p (cube la tengok pose dia yang lain lagi nih)
Ni pulak video behind the scene diaorang nyanyi sket untuk hiburan sume la kot enjoy!
its fun to have met them in person. All in all they’re okay – each one was down to earth, which is cool lah kan? heh tapi sian la derang tak tido semalaman dengar kabo riz cakap..
Itu je lah kot? okey lah okey, here’s samo pics ngan stacy :p thehe~
Oh yea, I can NOT hook you guys up with any one of them if you’re thinking of asking me about it b-( doink!
It turns out that most of what i wanted in my previous wishlist er lets just say it turns out well.
i’m not complaining or anything, just thank God.
… and here’s my new wishlist for er soon-ish
in no particular order;
» another trip to japan! : i wan! can?
» nintendo wii : hey, it’s just well, FUN! – just try it, you might just like it. Don’t come and blame me for that!
» ps3 : yes i wan this too! and it’s about time!
» >32″ lcd tv : what’s a console without hi-def?
» keta kot? kena ke? kene kot? asik ujan je letih laa.. tapi keta ape tah?
» design interior *wink!*
» buy furnitures : from most important – TV, bed, wash-mach, fridge, sofa, etc
» Macbook Pro please : tired of upgrading pc/laptop d.
» the new Mac would be great aswell!
» naik pangkat can? ah not so much la but i want a raise! i mean salary!
» be happy..
..some help, please? anyone?
Bile kelajuan untuk men-download di ofis sangat laju..
sume pun sakan donlot movie..
Bile nak buat keje, line internet menjadi slow..
lalu kedengaran suara jeritan berbunyi
hehu gedit?
Let’s paintball yo!
pchew pchew~ *splat!* [edited]
Did you vote?
Well, I did. I’m not into any party or anything.
For me, all politicians are the same. Sume pun same.
Dah nama pun politik. Is there any good thing about politics?
Secara mudah nye, tgk kat ofis seniri.
Klu ada politik, suke tak? Cam tak jer kan?
Anyhow, ape yang tak puas ati kat sini yelah..
Korang yang tak vote tu or even worse, tak register tu.. sebok2 nak cakap pasal vote tu nape?
Don’t think you got the rights unless u go and vote lor.
Tayah la nak bising, tak puas ati ke puas ati ke kat kedai mamak.
Pastu bising si Siti tu sebok kempen tapi tak register, diri seniri pun same ceh!
Nak harapkan orang lain vote jer, seniri tanak. Apekah?
Kesimpulannye, it’s your right to vote.
Tak kire la ade kepentingan kat diri seniri ke tak.
We can just hope for the best.
Nanti klu salah orang yang jadik gomen, anak2 kita nanti nak jadi camne?
bak kata nabil “Lu pikir la senirik!”