my latest submission for

i’m improving my illustration skills aren’t i?
since 1998
my latest submission for
i’m improving my illustration skills aren’t i?
i almost hated it. yeah, almost. it’s like every week we celebrated someone’s farewell. seriously. not that i don’t know why they leave, but there’s nothing done about it! maybe they still figuring out what’s happening.. *duhh?*
now, i heard rumours that more people are going away. yeah, more than one. maybe. but heck, all who left sez that the people is great. yea, i think so too. sure misses them & the ol’ days back when i’m still innocently good in the office. i still am tho heh.
as for me, to be honest, i haven’t plan of anything. yet. maybe i’ll stay a bit longer. maybe i’ll stay forever? uh. we’ll just wait and see where this goes…
one word for all, “gambarimassu~ minna san!”
I’ve watched NANA recently, with someone. that someone dedicated a song from that movie, and yeah, suki desu~
the movie is good, just like any other j-movies. if you haven’t watched it. please do!? it’s worth than watching Superman Returns (which I only heard bad reviews about) er I think? anyways, click the PLAY button & enjoy the song as much as I do!
If you haven’t changed your mind
If you haven’t changed your mind
Soba ni ite hoshii yo Tonight
Then I want you by my side Tonight
Tsuyogaru koto ni tsukareta no
I’m so tired of always having to bluff
Osana sugita no Everytime I think about you baby
Everytime I think about you baby, I feel so young
Ima nara ieru I miss you
If I could just tell you I miss you
It’s so hard to say I’m sorry
It’s so hard to say I’m sorry
Tatoeba dare ka no tame ja naku anata no tame ni
You see, I want to sing this song, not for just anyone
Utaitai kono uta wo
but just for you
Owara nai story tsuduku kono kagayaki ni
An ENDLESS STORY that keeps on shining
Always tsutaetai zutto eien ni
Always, I wanna show you, forever and ever
Memories of our time together
Memories of our time together
Kesa nai de kono mama don’t go away
this way, they don’t go away
Atatakaku toke dashite tashikameru no
Once I knew that the warmth between us had disappeared,
Yasashisa no shizuku kono mune ni hirogatteku
gentle tears started to spread over my chest
Setsu nai hodo ni I’m missing you
This is not where it ends, I’m missing you
Kasaneta te hanasa naide
please don’t let go of my hand
Tatoeba kanau nara mou ichido anata no tame ni
You see, I wish I could sing this song, just for you
Utai tai kono uta wo
just one more time
Owara nai story taemanai itoshisa de
An ENDLESS STORY of undying love
tell me why oshiete yo zutto eien ni
tell me why, please tell me, forever and ever
Tatoeba dare ka no tame ja naku anata no tame ni
You see, I want to sing this song, not for just anyone
Utaitai kono uta wo
but just for you
Owara nai story tsuduku kono kagayaki ni
An ENDLESS STORY that keeps on shining
Always tsutaetai zutto eien ni
Always, I wanna show you, forever and ever
Tatoeba kanau nara mou ichido anata no tame ni
You see, I wish I could sing this song, just for you
Utai tai kono uta wo
just one more time
Owara nai story taemanai itoshisa de
An ENDLESS STORY of undying love
tell me why oshiete yo zutto eien ni
tell me why, please tell me, forever and ever
it’s been three years since my first post. uh or em since i the site’s up.
seems like an endless journey since then. i tend to forget a lot of stuff. yep. sengaja.
i’m a troubled child. but that’s not your problem to know. hehe.
guess what? I think I’m gonna add up a new modeling portfolio. HAHA! nah. it’s not the first time. and it’s not the latest. I dunno how I ended up doing that. but seriously. I’m gonna make that portfolio! *nahh~* I’ll show you the others when I get the hands on it later. till then…
happy 3rd anniversary to my site! yay~
sms message alert.
have you heard of it? well, i have. eventho i didn’t subscribe to any of them but it keeps coming. it’s everywhere. on my mobile phone and even my yahoo messenger. uh, now i sounded like i wanted to promote something b-(
to start things with, not so long ago, when the company need to interview some people for hosting this new show, everytime there’s a girl, i got this alert on my ym. “CHICK ALERT!” well, not just me, i think the whole creative & tech (which our department was wayyy backk er dan terpencil sket) got the message. nah, we didn’t pay for the service. they say it’s free trial for a week! so then, one by one.. goes by the lobby.. some went to the pantry, some goes smoking outside, some read the newspaper on the reception desk.. and others, went to the toilet. then, while coming back to our own places, we gave a thumbs up or down and sometimes “so-so” sign at the pm side where the alerts are from..
well, just now i received one. they call it “kawaii alert~” !! hehe. nah~ it’s just my workmates informing that there’s two kawaii girl (japanese i assume) sit next to them during dinner (at JUMPA i assume – again). they ask me to come over. the thing is.. I’M ALREADY HOME!! argh! tiu lor. from what they described, their nose already bleeding while typing the sms. haha! ah, that’s the bad thing for not staying late in the office.
but well, i don’t mind at all… (going home early..)
RALAT: terdapat tiga, diulangi.. TIGA kawaii rupenye.. tsk tsk..
nobody like good byes. i am one of em. i AM that nobody.
I should post this earlier as one of my workmate continues to pursue her dreams elsewhere, starting last week. *sob sob* it was an emotional nite when we had our farewell dinner for her. we definitely missed her already. ah, we said our goodbye(s) so no need to write it again. hope she enjoyed herself anywhere she goes. good luck! gambatte~
i like cuteness.
there. it’s not secret anymore.
it got a lot to do with japan i supposed.
uh not sure where this going.. but i’ll keep typing what i’m thinking now.
back from a whole week trip. now, back to reality. uh ah it bites!
i feel refreshed. well, maybe not 100% tho.
don’t drink and drive, they always say.
in my case, i don’t drink, and i don’t drive :tongue:
a friend ask me to try drink some.
but i said “i don’t feel like it!” hehe.
then somebody else say, “dia ni budak baik lah, jangan rosakkan dia”
“i don’t believe lah. where got so baik one. there must be something jahat about this guy..” that friend replied.
i just sat there and smile.
at that moment, i got a topic to talk about.
“is there a very good person in this world?”
uh we know that nobody’s perfect. yea. i guess, there is none
friend, there IS something jahat about me. but i’m gonna have to kill u if i told u. seriously.
konbawa minna san!
i’m not in kl. it’s great here! got wifi n i can on9 on my psp! cya soon!
I’m off to somewhere. will not be in Malaysia for a while.
In the meantime, welcome to Project Crossroad.
grey’s Anatomy.
it’s like ’scrubs’ but without the slapstick comedy, seriously fun and er educational(?)
heh. that’s what I thought :tongue:
if you haven’t watched an episode, it’s not too late to start now.
anyways, I watched episode 6 last week where a patient comes in with a world-record-breaking sized tumor. nope. it wasn’t all about the tumor, in fact, the whole episode is about; not to waste any of your time. don’t wait till tomorrow. if you wanted to do something, go for it! hence, the title “If Tomorrow Never Comes”.
At one part, Izzie pushes George to ask Meredith out on a date; it goes something like this..
George: “She’s gonna be late..” (talking about meredith grey still in her room)
Izzie: “Maybe not..”
George: “We should wait for her..” (Standing outside Izzie’s room)
Izzie: “Definitely not! I’m not her mother, and YOU.. are not her boyfriend. Not yet anyway..”
George: “Stop, okay! I told you I’m not interested.”
Izzie: “Life is short George.. Do you really wanna die before you ever ask her out?”
George: “I do not want to ask her out…”
Izzie: “… Do you really wanna die a liar?” (While walking out the room)
George: “I’m nott.. uh..” (paused while thinking of a comeback..) “I’m not dying!”
heh. an honest comeback I supposed. yea he definitely had a crush.