hey, will be back shortly.
going back to school!
tenmongakusha reinensai
Wow! finally finished putting in the tags in each post from the very first one. *phew*
Anyhow, been to Astro Fest 2008 last Saturday. It was unexpectedly fun!
Sesapa yang tak gi time ajak aitu agak rugi la kot?
Got a 1Gb Astro pen drive in the goodie bag
Here are some of the highlights: (click for bigger image)
missing post
– updated 2019
nezumi nendo
For those who celebrates, HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!! have you yahoo lately? They did this cute lil animation on their logo for valentine. Here it is: …
Missing post
– update 2019

gunsou-san motte yoriai
Akhirnye video yang diamik ketika trip ke tokyo telah di transfer ke pc.
er tapi bukan sume la pulok? hm but atleast it’s a good start la kot kan?
Ok, here’s an edited video of our first day time jalan2 kat akiba, terus jumpa encik keroro.
More info below:
kaibutsu eiga
If you still don’t know what it is yet, it’s a monster movie from the producer of “Lost” tv series.
I like it but somewhat not really satisfied. tak puas hati. maybe sebab sekejap sangat kot?
I think it’s either you like it, or you hate it/dont like it. no in between. One thing for sure, it’s something different
If you havent watch it, here are some tips.
Sile ikut. Ini adalah amat diperlukan.
1) You may get nauseous. (as what every website tells you – and its true) Mostly the beginning part. kalau korang dapat seat depan2 tu, bek jangan gi tgk. serious. kang muntah! hehu.
2) Get ready to change to a better seat if you’re in front. There will be people leaving. Or probably someone may throw up on you. Well, er it could happen? heh.
3) Stay for the end credits. All the way to the end. Crap. I didn’t.
4) Sile jangan bawak kekawan yang mengandung, ada migrain etc. Dinasihatkan supaya tidak pergi jika anda adelah begitu.
All in all, the sound effect was awesome & the monster was real! Probably because of the home video camera effect?
Here’s the illustration of the monster (click for full view):

*source wayangtopia
Movie quotes. i like em. they usually er ARE true
some inspire me.. and probably inspired most people as well.
I wonder how copywriters/scriptwriters get their inspiration to write such things.
it’s hard. try and you’ll know.

don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want. Go for it!
― Heath Ledger, 10 Things I Hate About You
I don’t like to do what people expect. Why should I live up to other people’s expectations instead of my own?
― Julia Stiles, 10 Things I Hate About You
You know, just because you’re beautiful, doesn’t mean you can treat people like they don’t matter
― Joseph Gordon-Levitt, 10 Things I Hate About You
And I know you don’t love me anymore and I know that I blew it, and I did love you and I still do only I didn’t realize it was love because it was more than love and not just some stupid feeling in my stomach like everything else, and I’ll never love anyone else as much as you and I hate you I hate you!
― Liv Tyler, Empire Records

if he was stupid enough to cheat on you, he was dumb enough to get caught
― Eva Mendes, Hitch
Life is not the amount of breaths you take, it’s the moments that take your breath away
― Will Smith, Hitch
Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.
― Tim Robbins, Shawshank Redemption

If you’re not willing to sound stupid, you’re not worthy of falling in love.
― Amanda Peet, A Lot Like Love
This is your life. You can’t wait for it to just to get you up on your feet.
The hardest part of love isn’t loving someone, but having the courage to let them love you back
― The Wedding Date
ape lagi eh quote best²?
please don’t say “THIS IS SPARTA!”
akemashiteomedetougozaimasu~ shougatsu matamata
ikka ichimen
changed my front page.
quite a free time on my hand (: me likey!
nah it’s not the best effort but at least it’s a fresh look.
here it is:

heikatsu kyuuchou
yeh! got a new lcd monitor.
*sigh* tepakse beli lo nak buat keja monitor lama tak kua gambar.
pc fair ade je kat klcc tu tapi malas nak gi sebab ramai kot?
sape ada gi? ekceli loyat pun ade promosi sempena pcfair.
beza dia tak ramai orang je. hehu.

hitomawari ichitenki

Look at the pic. Is it turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?
Answer this and click here to find out nyehehe~